Why Us (Purpose)
- An added value proposal to all arriving to live in Portugal or already living, permanently or temporarily
- Matching risk coverage demand with local insurance offer
- Assisting with legal framework and mandatory covers
- At a 24/7 multichannel communication service
How We Differentiate
- Reputation, reliability, confidentiality (NDA if demanded), knowledge, E&O as broker
- We know Portuguese law (mandatory insurances and coverages)
- We know local insurers
- International experience (Munich Re, Hiscox, Loyd’s syndicate, Tokyo Marine, …)
- We communicate in English
- We provide policies and wordings in English for property, health, motor, golf, pets, travel, …
- We provide multichannel service:
- Digital 24/7: app for apple, android and pc/mac
- Phone and personal mobile number
- Social network: Facebook and Linkedin

What We Do
- We handle all types of insurances, covering all types of risk
- Also the most unusual risks: health (pandemic, oncology, …), high-value properties, high-value and classic cars, fine art, jewelry, liabilities, worldwide coverages, etc.
Company Information
By Appointment : Av Liberdade 110, 1°
1269 – 046 Lisboa
Business Center Leonardo Da Vinci
Pargque Techologico de Coimbra
3040-540 Antanhol (Coimbra)